Thursday, April 26, 2012

My First Day at AssentWorks: What are you working on?

My First Day at AssentWorks:  What are you working on?

I joined AssentWorks to help organize membership administration, but it turned out to be a lot more than just that.

The weekly meeting in the Planning Room was my first official activity.  The planning room was jammed full with over 20 people and everyone was to say their name and what they are working on.   I don’t remember all the names, but what I remember more was what people were building.  It ranged from “I just like to make stuff “ to “I’m making snowboards”.  When it was my turn, I said that I was responsible for the memberships and I said something about my day job.  I felt out of place.  I see the creative passion in the people attending the volunteer and member meetings every week.  And I witness their commitment to give back to a facility that gives them the tools, expertise and space to be creative.  I think some members clean the shop more than they would at home!

I do want to make something myself sometime; maybe 3D Printed Typography or Pottery.  The creativity is starting to be contagious which I knew it would.  At a future meeting I’ll introduce myself and say what I am building.


  1. Can you tell me how to contact these guys? I sent an email quite some time ago without any response... there is no phone number that I can find anywhere.

    1. assurance habitation
      Really enjoyed this blog post.Really thank you! Really Great.
